EMC Program Team

Shawn Parker

Shawn Parker

CEO / Founder / Executive Director

The challenges Parker grew up with were formidable. Parker recalls that there was not a lot of teaching going on in his household, and he did not have much of any relationship with his father. Dysfunctional, is the way he describes his early family life. Still, throughout moves between Las Vegas, Albuquerque, and finally, Lompoc, CA, Parker says that his mother Sandra White and step father Kenneth White tought him how to work hard and make money, but didn’t learn what to do with it.

Not knowing the basic concepts of financial stewardship having never been exposed to them left Parker working hard and getting nowhere. Add friends he grown up with who were caught up in all kinds of stuff with the predictable outcome of incarceration, and an invisible net was strung up around him. A natural athletic talent, Parker was on track to go to Ohio State via SBCC football program but a girlfriend’s unintended pregnancy derailed that course.

Parker opened a cell phone store in Goleta after having worked a number of jobs at GTE Wireless, Albertson, Lucky’s, Kmart, Union Sugar Company, and the U.S. Post Office. Past associations, however, caught up with him. Parker ended up losing everything he worked for. But through that experience Parker came to see that he needed to make some fundamental changes in his life. Parker credits Mr. Charles Oxton, Attorney at Law, with helping him to learn some of the skills and perhaps attitudes, that have shaped his life today.

Shawn Parker have two kids Tiana R. Parker and Masyn D. Parker from previous relationships, Parker  also  working 15 years part time at Trader Joe’s and  successfully engaged in a number of businesses. Parker sees the necessity of basic life skills and financial education for youth from backgrounds where those skills are not generally taught or understood. A strong and resilient man, radiating a naturally calm and positive outlook, Parker will undoubtedly have an impact on area young people in need of guidance.

Fysal SAfieh

Fysal Safieh

Associate Director

Fysal graduated from Binghamton University in New York with a degree in Political Anthropology and directly started working for EF International, the world’s largest International Education and Language Instruction organization. As a leader in both of EF’s non-profit divisions he took on the role of School Director for EF’s English language school in Santa Barbara. He then went on to work for Santa Barbara Business College as their Director of International Operations. Fysal has since been active in consulting with developing businesses as well as volunteering with various community organizations.

JP Herrada

Program Coordinator

I am a local from the city of Goleta and I attended Dos Pueblos High. I was a young parent straight out of high school and had 3 children. All my kids graduated from Dos Pueblos high and are currently in college.

I left Santa Barbara in 2002 to work in Chicago for 6 years and when I returned in 2008 I was hired as an Outreach coordinator for a non-profit called Collaborative Community Foundation, my job consisted working with at risk youth in gangs. Four months after I started my boss sent me to do AVP.

I learned a lot about myself and finally understood how I was making decisions, after the workshop I was able to apply some of the skills taught in the workshop and I can say that 8 months later I became the Executive Director of the Non-profit.

In 2010 I founded PALABRA a non-profit that serves at-risk youth in the county of Santa Barbara providing Gang Intervention and Prevention programs, also doing gang mediation to minimize violence in the community. I was the first to bring restorative justice to the mediation process working with the gang population in Santa Barbara County. I’ve been involved with Alternatives to Violence Project for the last 4yrs and the last year as an Outreach Coordinator in Santa Barbara where I continue to work with the same population.

Iliana G. Gonzalez

Iliana G. Gonzalez

Site Coordinator

Iliana is first generation raised in Santa Barbara. She was born in Mexico City and at the age of 6 came into the US, landing in beautiful SB with her Mother and father and 2 younger sisters. She graduated from San Marcos High School 6 months early to pursue her interest in dance. She worked as a waitress and found her passions for Non-Profits when she began working for the Friendship Center in Montecito. She knew there was a great cause when she assisted in the grant writing process and experience what serving the elderly meant. She went to City College for 2 years, however, realized that her goal of becoming an accountant is not what she wanted to do, so she focused on other areas.

She transitioned into the banking field after having her first son at 21 years of age and after having her second son at 25, she wanted more for her family. She worked for many different industries, not quite finding her purpose and after working as a Government Contractor for 8 years working projects with companies like Pt. Hueneme Naval Airbase, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, and China Lake Naval Airbase; however, she decided to seek out other opportunities.

That is when her organization called People Helping People found her. She had known of this company since 2011 but could not see herself doing something outside the Government industry.

Iliana did not have any experience in any of these fields, however, she realized she needed to be open in 2013 when the Government shut down. It affected her and her family financially tremendously and she did not feel secure.

In 2015, she was given the opportunity to be a part of this great company. She is now an entrepreneur, certified by the State of California to help many underserved and overlooked families with suffering from Financial cancer. Her and her team of licensed agents insure that their clients have the best solutions to their financial issues; from debt relief to retirement and Long-Term Care. Her goal is to help every generation from new born babies to great-grand parents insure their families change their financial legacy’s forever.

In her personal time, she is a certified Zumba instructor and give classes if time allows. She dedicates time to her 2 boys, 20 and 16 who are both still in school; loves her Christina Church and hangs out with friends.


Engaging in Molding Choices is a program designed to expose youth to the life, communication, and financial skills they will need to effectively and efficiently operate in the world.

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401 North Milpas,
Santa Barbara, Ca 93103


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